Blogging for a
Bigger Table
“There has to be a better way of doing church.”
An interview about hardship, hope and mentorship with former church planter Gene Quiocho. We love hearing people’s stories and giving other people the chance to listen in as well!
But First Community: The Power of Partnership
The story behind our new neighborhood coffee shop, Wrigley Coffee, illustrates the beauty of partnership, community and shared power.
Learning to Lead With: 9 Podcast Highlights
Our friend Mike Goldsworthy invited us on his podcast to talk about alternatives to toxic hierarchical models. Nine highlights from the conversation!
A Word of Hope for Discouraged Leaders
We want to invite you to think – with loads of compassion for yourself – about what might be holding you back and what you really need to move forward with hope in this season.
Pastors, This is What Your Gay Kids Tell Me
An honest letter from one (former) conservative pastor and proud parent of two gay kids to others.
New Year’s Questions Instead of Resolutions
Perhaps you’d like to join me. Perhaps starting the new year by defining some big questions sounds like what your heart needs, too.
What You Celebrate Reveals What You Value
If you don’t know what your community’s core values are, a great place to start would be noticing what you actually celebrate together.
The Neighborhood Witch, Toxic Evangelism and the Bible
I had refused to talk about the bible with our neighborhood witch, but she wore me down. When we met again, I came with a stack of bibles and an even bigger stack of reservations.
The Neighborhood Witch & Toxic Evangelism
Deconstructing evangelism – how do we interact in healthy ways with those curious about Jesus? Part 1 of Bill’s story, with full permission and editing by his conversation partner, who describes herself as the neighborhood witch.